「玄武岩に歌う – カマウタウルアから伊豆大島へ」 パラレル シャルロット [ニュージーランド]

“Singing to the Basalt - Kamau Taurua to Izu Oshima” Charlotte PARALLEL [NEW ZEALAND]

Is a collaboration with artists, mana whenua, the peoples, flora and fauna of Kamau Taurua Quarantine Island. Kamau Taurua- the island, is the ancient heart of the Ōtepoti Dunedin Volcano. I look at the island and its neighbour Rakiriri nearly everyday in the Port town where I live. When I was at Izu Oshima in 2013 I didn’t get to Mt Mihara and have often wondered about the formative volcano and its sounds and stories. The peoples of Izu Oshima were very generous in sharing their stories with me and in a sense, singing to the basalt, is an acknowledgement and a call, from volcano(basalt) to volcano (basalt), from the past to the present, from island to island, from Kamau Taurua to Izu Oshima. We will play to Kamau Taurua, the basalt volcano and call to you Mt Mihara (basalt volcano), Habu Port and all the peoples of Izu Oshima. As a collaborative composition and performance, we will travel around the island in boats, carried by our ocean currents and play the sounds of the moment and the song Habu no Minato.