ブラン デニス [フランス] DENIS BRUN [FRANCE]
My close environment and my everyday life’s rites are at the origins of my productions,
without any hierarchy in between the medias I use.
They embody the polychromatic and multidimensional reflection of my attempts to deal
with reality, in order to protect myself from it, with the will to synthesize most received
Therefore, I can recreate (with any kind of «data») a personal and contemplative dimension, however opened on the outside.
I was born in Desertines in the center of France, on October 28, 1966, a rainy Friday night
at 11:10 pm.
The first 22 years of my life were totally boring. After a year of preparation at the Villa
Saint-Clair, in Sète in 1988, I followed the cursus of 5 years at Villa Arson in Nice where I
graduated in 1994.
- 1999
- I was invited to Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille, where I lived for a year at the association Asterides.
- 2001
- I joined Pascal Gobin’s Electroacoustic class at the Pierre Barbizet Conservatory of Marseille.
I missed the theoretical part of my exam of end of 3rd year but I managed the musical part.
- 2004
- I went for 6 months in Los Angeles with a scholarship AFFA (French Institute).
I filmed in the city of angels (in collaboration with EZTV and with the help of a grant of the organisation «Étant Donnés) a 75mn documentary (Voilà Les Anges). It’s visible on youtube and on the site of documentsdartistes.com.
- 2009
- I had a 2 months residency at the French Institute of Yogyakarta and Surabaya, which allowed me to make many collaborations with local artists and to create an ephemeral group (Diskö Wishes). We gave 2 concerts at Yogyakarta LIP.
- 2014
- I had a solo show in New York at the Giacobetti Paul gallery in Brooklyn.
- 2016
- I had a month-long residency in Japan for «Tokyo Art Islands» and exhibited at Oshima Island and Niijima Island.
I showed 11 big rabbits (Lapunks : contraction Lapin/Punk) in ceramic (faïence) at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Marseille for an 8 months long exhibition.
- 2017
- I presented a personal exhibition at the galerie Porte avion in Marseille.
- 2018
- I had a retrospective at Videochroniques Art Center in Marseille.
- 2019
- I presented a personal exhibition of black & white photos at the Hotel Elysées Mermoz, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.
At the beginning of November, I have taken part in my first exhibition in Italy : TRASLOCO - in Turin, during the Festival NESXT at Docks Dora.
At the end of November, Les Éditions de l’Obsidienne, in Montpellier, have published 8 short stories I have written between 2019 and 2002, under the title : New Wave Potatoes.
- 2020
- - In February, I took part of a group show around David Lynch's Twin Peaks : FIRE, WALK WITH ME! at the Naïve Art Museum in Nice.
- In April, I participated to a collective exhibition in Bruxelles, Belium, curated by Lola Meotti : IN VITRO #2