Planning and Development Committee for Contemporary Artways Linking Tokyo Islands
リッシュ クラウディア [ドイツ] CLAUDIA RISCH [GERMANY]
My ears listen to the sounds of wind and water, birds and beasts, human breath and voice, traffic and tools. My body and mind transform it into sounds on my wind intruments (flute bass clarinet) which you may sense strange and famliar at the same time when you hear them.
soundcloud #1
soundcloud #2
Claudia Risch has developed a special playing technique on the Sopransaxophone, Altosaxophone, as well as on the Bassclarinet and flute,
which is acoustic of it´s nature and works without additive external resorces.
She focusses on the extended sound-material of her instruments like micro-intervals, multi-phonics, sound of breath. Within this variety of elaborated technical possibilities. Risch combines, applies and modifies her material to create a refined, nuanced and multilayered sound. Composed and improvised music are both her subject. The co-operation with dancers is an important component in her work.
Another focus of her work is the cooperation with contemporary composers,
so as Thomas Gerwin, D (www.thomasgerwin.de), Francis Heery, IRL (www.francisheery.com) and Markus Wettstein, CH. She was invited to international festivals, eg. Klangkunstfest Berlin or humannoise congress Wiesbaden as well as to the intersonanzen Potsdam, festival for contemporary music. Member of the Kammerensemble ad hoc (ensemble for contemporary music), numerous concerts in many combinations of musicians and dancers,
e.g. with Khabat Abas (cello), Thorsten Bloedhorn (guitar), Wolfgang Schliemann (percussion), Ingo Reulecke (dance), Iris Sputh (dance), Annalisa Maggiani (dance), Anna Barth (dance).